Building Micro-Frontends… the book

Luca Mezzalira
2 min readFeb 24, 2020
Building Micro-Frontends — O’Reilly

In the past 5 years, I had the opportunity to work in an OTT platform called DAZN that streams live and on-demand sports events across the globe.

During this journey, we had to overcome several challenges considering we were (and still are) pioneers of live video streaming.
After the first release, I realized in order to scale the organization we had to rethink our platform to allow us scaling not only from a technology point of view but also from a people perspective.

For achieving this, we had to review several approaches and common practices for scaling our company and onboard more and more people working on the same project.

Our answer was embracing a new frontend architecture called Micro-Frontends that in combination with Microservices help us to scale our teams, creating independent artefacts that are mapped with our business domains.
Micro-Frontends bring a new approach for scaling frontend projects, decentralizing the decision making and stopping the one-size-fits-all approaches very well known by the frontend community.

I decided to gather my experience building our Micro-Frontends architecture and share it into the pages of a book.

Today I’m really happy to announce the early release of Building Micro-Frontends, a book published by O’Reilly and already available on Safari Books Online.

Building Micro-Frontends cover

For more information, I suggest visiting the book website where you can also subscribe to the updates. I’ll keep you informed on the next chapters, new content released online, events where I’ll talk about Micro-Frontends and more.

The early release allows you to share your feedback with me, shaping the content inside the book and having a voice during the writing process, don’t miss this opportunity, WE can do an awesome job TOGETHER.

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Luca Mezzalira
Luca Mezzalira

Written by Luca Mezzalira

Principal Serverless Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS, O’Reilly Author, International Speaker, YouTuber, creator of Dear Architects newsletter

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